$146K Launch Year Revenue2nd Gen Product Redesign

$268K Amazon Revenue5 SKU PRODUCT LINE


$108K REVENUEFirst 8 Months on Amazon

$800K Revenue w/ 6 SKUsNational Retailer Placement

2x Revenue to $8Mlaunched @ tokyo olympics
1. Strategy
Identify the best opportunity for success, plan your path to launch, and validate the profitability of your idea2. Product Design
Create the tangible product that provides the best and most appealing user experience for the most economical cost3. Brand Design
Create a brand that helps you stand out from competitors by connecting with the values and emotions of your target customer4. Manufacturing
Collaborate with manufacturers to ensure a high quality product delivered to your door that exceeds customer expectations
Big Time Experience,
Applied to Ecommerce Startups.
300+ Products & 50+ Brands Launched